Indianapolis Campaign for Healthy Babies
23 items found
PPS & Check, June 21, 1990, Img. 3
Mayor Hudnut to Michael A. Carroll, August 28, 1990
Comprehensive Detailed Plan Done
Report to the Community 1991
Michael Garber to Mayor Hudnut, September 21, 1992
Indianapolis Campaign for Healthy Babies
Indianapolis Campaign for Healthy Babies
Indianapolis Campaign for Healthy Babies
Indianapolis Campaign for Healthy Babies, February 1992
PPS & Check, June 21, 1990, Img. 4
PPS & Check, June 21, 1990, Img. 5
PPS & Check, June 21, 1990, Proof Sheet
Mayor Hudnut to Paul Karpowicz, February 22, 1990
Mayor Hudnut to Beurt SerVaas, February 5, 1990
Healthy Babies Month
Status of Campaign for Healthy Babies
Mayor Hudnut to the Members of the City-County Council, December 8, 1990
Gary Miller
Hudnut Blasts Hogsett's "Hocus-Pocus" Act
Dave Arland to Mayor's Cabinet Members, August 12, 1991