Indianapolis Network for Employment and Training
12 items found
Meet the People Inside iNET
Goldsmith Announces $1.5 Million Summer Jobs Program
Chris J. Christy to Mayor Hudnut, December 21, 1989
Harvest 5th Annual Awards Celebration, November 14, 1991
List of City/iNet Initiatives
From Joseph A. Slash, May 24, 1993
Tentative Itinerary, Vocational Trainers in Indianapolis
Human Resource Mini Conference
Ron Vanderford to Mayor Hudnut, February 8, 1990
iNet Annual Report, July 1, 1991-June 30, 1992
iNET Annual Report, July 1, 1990-June 30, 1991
iNET Annual Report, July 1, 1989-June 30, 1990