Indianapolis Education Association
65 items found
First Fall 1993 Conference and Workshops on the Cooperative Approach to Public Education
Dan TeGrotenhuis to Mayor Lugar, Sep. 22, 1975
Mayor Hudnut to Kathy Orrison, September 17, 1980
Training Teachers to be Community-Based Parent Trainers
Victor P. Hoehne to Remi C. Pattyn and others, September 10, 1980
Mayor Hudnut to Donald G. Russell, October 30, 1979
Donald G. Russell to Mayor Hudnut, October 23, 1979
Mayor Calls for Non-Stop Bargaining
Victor P. Hoehne to Thomas W. Binford, September 24, 1980
Indiana Education Employment Relations Board, July 8, 1980
Schedule for Mayor Hudnut, July 21, 1983
Mayor Hudnut to James Adams & Brice Tressler, December 15, 1989
Oscar Jones to Susan McVie, August 1, 1977
Brice A. Tressler to Mayor Hudnut, July 22, 1991
Brice A. Tressler to Mayor Hudnut, January 5, 1990
IPS-IEA Negotiations
Reflections on Salaries in Marion County
IPS Notes
Mayor Hudnut to James Adams and Brice Tressler, December 15, 1989