Hudnut III, William H., Campaign Materials
403 items found
Hudnut To Congress News Release, October 17, 1972
Statement of Endorsement Clergymen For Hudnut, October 17, 1972
Fall Campaign 1972 Grid
Hudnut to Congress News Release, October 16, 1972
Hudnut TV 30 Seconds Youth Vote
Hudnut TV 30 Seconds Busing
Hudnut TV 30 Seconds (Eleventh District)
Hudnut Republican To Congress-11th District
Hudnut Newspaper Advertising
Hudnut TV 60 Seconds Welfare
Digest Federal Campaign Communications Act
Hudnut to Congress the Hudnut Brochure
Hudnut Republican to Congress and New Man For the Eleventh
Projections on Budget
Certificate of Organization of the Hudnut to Congress Committee
United States House of Reprentatives Registration Form and Statement of Organization For a Committee
Campaign Communicators, Inc to L. Keith Bulen, et al, April 13, 1972
P.J. Finneran to Station Management, April 12, 1972
Channel 4 Dan Burton Campaign Television Contract
WISH-TV Dan Burton Campaign Television Contract