Greencastle, Indiana
28 items found
Albert Solomon to Mayor Hudnut, February 16, 1983
Albert Solomon to Mayor Hudnut, October 18, 1982
Mayor's Office Routing Slip, Mary Ann Pahud to Mayor Hudnut, December 15
Mayor's Office Routing Slip, Mary Ann Pahud to Mayor Hudnut, January 25
Greencastle Chamber of Commerce Notes
Mayor Hudnut to Charles Erdmann, September 18, 1989
Mayor Hudnut to Joseph Ferguson, June 7, 1988
Fred Lamar to Mary Ann Pahud, September 3, 1985
Mayor Hudnut to Robert W. Warren, October 5, 1982
Mayor Hudnut's Public Appearance Schedule for the Week of September 4, 1989
Plaque with Mounted Photograph of Mayor Lugar with Best Wishes from the Greencastle Kiwanis Club
C. Kyle Hughes to Winston L. Churchill, July 30, 1969
Putnam County Lincoln Day Notes
Dan L. Doan to Mayor Hudnut, October 8, 1982
Mary Ann Pahud to Dan L. Doan, December 20, 1982
Mayor Hudnut to Norman Skole, February 7, 1983
Mayor Hudnut to Dot Grundlock, August 27, 1990
Mayor Hudnut to Matthew O'Neill, November 13, 1986
Mayor Hudnut to Mike Cash, September 7, 1989
Greencastle Past and Future