Girls Clubs
11 items found
Charles S. Eberhardt II, Mayor Stephen Goldsmith, March 28, 1995
From Stephen Goldsmith, Circa April 1993
Mayor Lugar with Children from Indianapolis Boys' and Girls' Clubs, Img. 1
Mayor Lugar with Children from Indianapolis Boys' and Girls' Clubs, Img. 2
Bo Ely to Mayor Hudnut, November 18, 1981 Regarding Camp Fire Girls Tour
Girls Clubs of Greater Indianapolis Project Abstract
Girls Clubs of Greater Indianapolis Background
Bo Ely to Mayor Hudnut, November 16 Regarding the Indianapolis Foundation
From Stephen Goldsmith, April 18, 1995
Judy S. May to Mayor Hudnut, November 16, 1981
Mary Jo Showley to Kenneth I. Chapman, October 28, 1981