Gasoline Rationing
19 items found
Mayor Lugar Talks About Energy Policy
Herb Hill to Mayor Lugar, February 19, 1974
Kelly Carnighan to Mayor Lugar, March 11, 1974
Mayor Lugar to Kelly Carnighan, March 25, 1974
Senator Bayh: The Big Brother
Lugar for Senate News
Energy Conservation Guides
Monthly Economic Letter, Dec. 1973
Gasoline Rationing
Mayor Lugar to Richard Messer, December 10, 1973
Energy Follow-Up, Number 153, December 6, 1973
Petroleum Follow-Up, Number 127, June 14, 1973
City Gas Purchases Fall in 1973, May 23, 1973
Lugar Forsees Gas Rationing, August 3, 1973
Joe Slash to Don McPherson, January 18, 1980
Congressman Hudnut Proposes Dramatic Gasoline Saving
Congressman Hudnut Proposes Dramatic Gasoline Saving
Hudnut Supports Amendment to Energy Emergency Act to Restrict Forced Busing of School Children
Congressional Record, Vol. 119, No. 196, December 13, 1973