Flag Day
18 items found
Louis V. Koerber to Mayor, April 1998
Proclamation "New Flag Day," June 14, 1993
Donald M. Fraser to Mayor Goldsmith, March 29, 1993
Pause for the Pledge of Allegiance, National Flag Day Committee
Pause for the Pledge
Ruby Dell Helgers to Mayor Lugar, Feb. 20, 1975
Mayor Lugar to Ruby Dell Helgers, May 20, 1975
Hudnut Calls Attention To Flag Day
Congressman And Mrs. William Hudnut Participate In Flag Day Ceremony
Prayer Of Invocation Offered By...
Flag Day Ceremony
Hudnut Calls Attention to Flag Day
Congressman and Mrs. William Hudnut Participate in Flag Day Ceremony
Prayer of Invocation offered by the Honorable William H. Hudnut, III
Prayer of Invocation
Congressional Record Vol. 119 No. 92
Congressman and Mrs. William Hudnut Participate in Flag Day Ceremony
Congressional Record, Vol. 119, No. 92, June 14, 1973