25 items found
Johnson County - Crusade '74
Underground Evangelism Event
Mayor Lugar to Rev. Quentin Small, April 29, 1974
Mayor Lugar to Rev. Quentin Small, August 26, 1974
Rev. Quentin Small to Mayor Lugar, May 10, 1974
Roy Combs to Mayor Lugar, Aug. 22, 1975
Deborah J. Daniels to Gene Lausch, June 23, 1975
Mayor Lugar to Roy Combs, Aug. 26, 1975
"Experience in Evangelism Days"
Darin Moore to Mayor Hudnut, March 11, 1991
Princeton Seminary Outline
Addresses on Evangelism to the Pre-Assembly Conference on Evangelism and to the 179th General Assembly The United Presbyterian Church in the U.S.A.
From John R. Gump, March 18, 1963
About the 183rd General Assembly
George T. Peters to William H. Hudnut, III, May 8, 1967
To My Correspondents from Dr. George E. Sweazey, Moderator, 181st General Assembly
To My Correspondents
William H. Hudnut, III to John S. Lynn, June 8, 1967
John S. Lynn to William H. Hudnut, III, June 2, 1967
The Staff Division of Evangelism, January 1970