14 items found
Mayor Hudnut at the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra, Image 1
Mayor Hudnut at the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra, Image 2
Mayor Hudnut at the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra, Image 4
Mayor Hudnut at the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra, Image 5
Mayor Hudnut at the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra, Ovation
Mayor Hudnut to John Nelson, April 21, 1987
John Nelson to Indianapolis Friends, March 1987
Robert C. Jones to Mayor Hudnut, November 11, 1985
Mayor Hudnut at the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra, Image 3
Mayor Hudnut at the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra, Image 6
Mayor Hudnutat the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra, Ovation Back of Photo
Mayor Hudnut to Robert C. Jones, November 5, 1985
Mayor Hudnut to John Nelson, February 4, 1985
Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra to Mayor Hudnut, Envelope