Advertising Club of Indianapolis
20 items found
To B.O.M.A. Member, November 8, 1993
Mayor Goldsmith to Downtown Neighbor, November 15, 1993
Mayor Goldsmith to B. O. M. A. Member, November 15, 1993
To B.O.M.A. Member, November 8, 1993
"Torch of Truth" Presented to Richard Lugar by Advertising Club of Indianapolis, May 6, 1976
Ruth Hiatt to Mayor Lugar, February 1, 1971
Advertising Club Creative Seminar Notes
Schedule for Mayor Hudnut's Presentation at the ADDI Awards
Mayor Hudnut to Paul Raikes, February 8, 1977
Paul Raikes to Mayor Hudnut, February 4, 1977
To Downtown Neighbor, November 8, 1993
To Downtown Neighbor, November 8, 1993
1976 Torch of Truth from Advertising Club of Indianapolis
Mayor Lugar to Patricia Reilly Hitt, January 30, 1971
Patricia Reilly Hitt to Mayor Lugar, January 25, 1971
Ruth Hiatt to Mayor Lugar, February 1, 1971
Robert H. Johnson to Mayor Hudnut, December 23, 1982
Gail McDaniel to Mary Ann Pahud, February 14, 1984
Schedule for Mayor Hudnut, February 18, 1984
Gail McDaniel to Mayor Hudnut, January 13, 1984