Wood, Robert
15 items found
SELTIC Meeting Announces Significant Progress
Privatizing Sewer Bill Collections Will Save City as Much as $1.8 million
Goldsmith Announces Diversity Initiatives
Privatizing Sewer Bill Collections Will Save City as Much as $1.8 Million
Goldsmith Announces Details of "Seltic"
Carl Lile and Eugene Lausch to Robert Wood, January 24, 1992
Fax Cover Sheet: Dina Reinhard to Ed Klink and Ten Others, August 17, 1993
Bob Wood to SELTIC Commissioners, August 17, 1993
Goldsmith Announces Details of 'Seltic'
SELTIC Meeting Announces Significant Progress
Bob Ransom to Bob Wood, April 24, 1992
Byron K. Mason to Mayor Goldsmith, March 3, 1992
Robert Ransom to Jim Snyder et al., May 11, 1994
Robert Ransom to Jim Snyder et al., May 11, 1994
Bob Wood to Mayor Goldsmith et al., July 8, 1992