Walsh, William F.
20 items found
Mayor Lugar, Mayor William Walsh (Syracuse, New York), and Governor Raymond Shafer (Pennsylvania)
Mayor Lugar at Meeting, Image 1
Mayor Lugar at Meeting, Image 2
Mayor Lugar and Mayor William Walsh (Syracuse, New York)
List of Members of the Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations
Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations Reports
Tentative Schedule of Hearings for the Subcommittee on Equal Opportunity in an Urban Society for July 30, 1968
Statement of Mayor William F. Walsh to the Subcommittee on Equal Opportunity in an Urban Society
Summary of Recommendations by Witnesses before the Committee on Resolutions/Subcommittee on Equal Opportunity in an Urban Society
Tentative Schedule of Hearings for the Subcommittee on Equal Opportunity in an Urban Society for July 30 and 31, 1968
Richard G. Lugar to Mr. Charles R. Van Wagenen, February 18, 1975
Mayor Lugar to William F. Walsh, December 12, 1969
For Immediate Release, The White House, October 30, 1969
Mayor Lugar Selected for Intergovernmental Relations Commission and as White House Conferee
Elton K. McQuery to Members of the ACIR, December 5, 1969
ACIR Membership List, March 26, 1969
United States Municipal News
Statement of Mayor William F. Walsh, July 30, 1968
Memorandum from Patrick Healy , April 30, 1969
Memorandum from Patrick Healy, July 23, 1969