Sweezy, John W.
1,048 items found
Convention Medallions sent to the following
Advance Men Dinner Party
Republican National Convention Delegates
Declaration of Candidate, John W. Sweezy
Indiana Delegation Provisional Seating Chart
Convention '74 Team, Suite 1139
Republican V.I.P."500" Weekend Brochure
L. Keith Bulen to Carole Bulen, January 15, 1973
1974 Republican State Convention, District 11
Nick Longworth to (Unaddressed), August 1, 1972
Nick Longworth to Gordon and Lynda Durnil and others, August 1, 1972
P. E. MacAllister to L. Keith Bulen, et al, August 11, 1972
Marion County Republican Central Committee News Release, September 3, 1972
Suggested Guest Lists
Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr and Anne Schuster to L. Keith Bulen, April 27, 1973
A Digest of Marion County Voting, 1960 to Present
Gordon K. Durnil to L. Keith Bulen, October 29, 1985
Ticket Ordering Forms for Inaugural Events
1974 Republican State Convention, District 11, With Notes
Marge O'Laughlin and Bruce Melchert to Buddy, June 17, 1974