Wells, Michael
11 items found
List of Names, Starting with Hon. Steve West
Bob Duncan to Mike Wells, Bob Swhier, and Mike Moriarty, May 29, 1992
United Airlined MOC II Groundbreaking_1
United Airlined MOC II Groundbreaking_2
Larry Gigerich to Mayor Goldsmith, Bob Swhier, and Mike Wells, April 8, 1992
Larry Gigerich to Mayor Goldsmith, Robert Swhier, and Michael Wells, May 13, 1992
United Airlines Indianapolis Maintenance Center Plaque
Plaque from United Airlines Indianapolis Maintenance Center Dedication, March 2, 1994
Mayor Hudnut to Michael Wells, March 19, 1981
Michael Wells to Mayor Hudnut, March 12, 1981
Thomas K. Downs to Mayor Hudnut, et al., December 26, 1991