19 items found
Shovel from LNG Facility/Citizens Gas & Coke Utility Groundbreaking, July 31, 1969
Shovel from Indiana Convention Expansion and Hoosier Dome Project, May 27, 1982
Shovel from Westvaco US Envelope Division Indiana Plant Groundbreaking, September 22, 1978
Shovel from Mid-America Energy Resources, Inc., District Cooling Project Groundbreaking, August 20, 1990
Shovel from AFNB Operations Center Addition Groundbreaking, September 20, 1970
Shovel from Belmont Headworks Groundbreaking, April 12, 1985
"I Love UniGov" Shovel from IUPUI Nursing School Groundbreaking, October 20, 1970
Shovel from Opportunities Park Senior Housing Groundbreaking, August 18, 1988
Shovel from Day Dream Publishing Groundbreaking, September 27, 1993
Shovel from Monument Circle Project Groundbreaking, 1978
Spade from F. A. Wilhelm & Associates
Shovel from Lawrence Community Center Groundbreaking, November 10, 1989
Shovel from Bank One Center Groundbreaking, June 18, 1987
Shovel from Canfield Row Groundbreaking, October 26, 1987
Shovel from American Cablevision Groundbreaking
Shovel from South Marion County Regional Interceptor Sewer Groundbreaking, April 25, 1979
Shovel from Velodrome Groundbreaking, September 1, 1981
Shovel from Federal Office Building Groundbreaking, November 6, 1972
Spade from F.A. Wilhelm Construction Company in Honor of Company's Fiftieth Anniversary, 1973