Naftalin, Arthur
17 items found
List of Members of the Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations
Advisory Commission on Intergovernmental Relations Reports
Arthur Naftalin to Mayor Lugar, March 25, 1971
Aruthur Naftalin to Mayor Lugar, Decmeber 22, 1970
William C. Rogers to Mayor Lugar, March 2, 1970
William C. Rogers to Mayor Lugar, March 2, 1970
The Urban Coalition Phase II Organizing Local Coalitions
Mayor Lugar to William S. Blair, Letter
Mayor Lugar to William S. Blair, November 12, 1969
William S. Blair to Mayor Lugar, October 31, 1969
1969 Metropolitan Indianapolis Forum Series
1969 Metropolitan Indianapolis Forum Series (with Handwritten Note and Received Stamp)
Beauford A. Norris to Arthur Naftalin, April 15, 1969
Bill L. Barnes to Larry Landis, August 13, 1969
ACIR Membership List, March 26, 1969
National League of Cities, 1970
MFOA Newsletter, Vol. XLVI, Number 9