Khan, Ali
11 items found
City Pool Cars Shouldn't Soak the Taxpayer, Says Goldsmith
City Pool Cars Shouldn't Soak the Taxpayer, Says Goldsmith_May 27, 1993
Ali Khan to John Hatfield, May 13, 1993
Tamara Zahn to Indianapolis Downtown Inc. Board of Directors, et al., April 13, 1994
Tamara Zahn to Indianapolis Downtown Inc. Board of Directors, et al., May 13, 1994
Tamara Zahn to Indianapolis Downtown Inc. Board of Directors, et al., February 15, 1994
Tamara Zahn to Indianapolis Downtown Inc. Board of Directors, et. al, January 13, 1994
Larry Gigerich to Ali Khan, July 9, 1993
Business Assistance Program
Ali Kahn to Joseph A. Marinucci, November 12, 1991
Ali Khan to Larry Gigerich, February 26, 1993