Lile, Carl
30 items found
Mayor Announces Major Redevelopment Initiative for United Northwest Area
Project Jobs Meeting with Larry Gigerich
Mayor Goldsmith to Lehman D. Adams, Jr., February 6, 1992
Mayor Stephen Goldsmith to Lehman D. Adams, Jr., February 4, 1992
Robert Ransom to Carl Lile, June 9, 1992
Mayor Hudnut and Carl Lile, February 2, 1989, Img. 4
Mayor Hudnut and Carl Lile, February 2, 1989, Img. 5
Sandra Welch-Richard to Dave Arland, July 25, 1990
David L. Baker to Carl Lile, December 26, 1990
Betty L. Smith-Beecher to Catherine Snedeker, January 9, 1990
Carl Lile to Cindy Higbee, April 12, 1991
Lawrence E. Coffey to Carl Lile, May 21, 1991
Summary of Senate Bill 345 (Marion County Housing Authority)
Mayor Unveils $50 Million Plan for Martin Luther King Corridor
Agenda for the United Northwest Area Press Conference
United Northwest Area Press Conference, April 24, 1997
Media Advisory Regarding Martin Luther King Corridor Development, June 26, 1996
Carl Lile and Eugene Lausch to Robert Wood, January 24, 1992
Project Jobs April 6, 1993 Meeting Notes
Tim Schalk to Carl Lile, January 23, 1992