King, Thomas A.
154 items found
IUPUI Board of Advisors
Groundbreaking of Oxford Terrace project, 1989
Dignitaries Participate in Groundbreaking of Oxford Terrace Project, March 1989, Img. 12
Dignitaries Participate in Groundbreaking of Oxford Terrace Project, March 1989, Img. 15
Dignitaries Participate in Groundbreaking of Oxford Terrace Project, March 1989, Img. 16
Dignitaries Participate in Groundbreaking of Oxford Terrace Project, March 1989, Img. 5
Dignitaries Participate in Groundbreaking of Oxford Terrace Project, March 1989, Img. 6
Dignitaries Participate in Groundbreaking of Oxford Terrace Project, March 1989, Img. 7
Dignitaries Participate in Groundbreaking of Oxford Terrace Project, March 1989, Img. 1
Oscar Robertson - G.B. Oxford Terrace Proof Sheet
Dignitaries Participate in Groundbreaking of Oxford Terrace Project, March 1989, Img. 10
Dignitaries Participate in Groundbreaking of Oxford Terrace Project, March 1989, Img. 11
Mayor Lugar to Thomas A. King, November 19, 1971
Thomas A. King to Mayor Lugar, November 10, 1971
Greater Indianapolis Progress Committee, Convention Task Force, Mar. 13, 1974
Bank One Center Promotional Booklet
Profile of the Arts in Indianapolis 1987 Executive Summary
Profile of the Arts in Indianapolis 1987
A Profile of the Arts in Indianapolis, 1987: Executive Summary_Without Cover
From Thomas A. King, February 12, 1987