Goss, Jan
19 items found
Advance Men Dinner Party
Suggested Guest Lists
Proposed Assignment of Race Tickets
Richard G. Lugar to Mr. Hames Morris, August 3, 1973
Scheudule for Mayor Richard G. Lugar, July 25, 1973
Participants in the Study Team Visit to Indianapolis, June 2, 1972
Mrs. Lester E. Holman to Mayor Lugar, August 17, 1970
Northwestway Civic Association Thursday, July 29, 1971
Republican VIP Weekend 500 Mile Race Tickets
Nick Longworth to Gordon and Lynda Durnil, et al, August 7, 1972
Nick Longworth to Gordon and Lynda Durnil, et al, August 7, 1972 - copy
August 13 and 17 Hotel Expenses
Republican V.I.P. RSVP List for Visit to Indianapolis Motor Speedway Penthouse
Republican V.I.P. Weekend Guest Accomodations Plan
Larry Landis to Cliffe Godsey, July 8, 1974
Richard G. Lugar to Mrs. Martha Buddecke, August 3, 1973
Japanese Environmental Study Team Visit to Indianapolis, June 2, 1972
Revenue Sharing Meeting Minutes, January 28, 1971_Press Committee
Michael Carroll to Jan Goss, February 23, 1982