Dorbecker, Doris L.
31 items found
Hudnut Republican To Congress-11th District
Minutes of the Study Committee on Campaign Financing, Oct. 24, 1974
Minutes of the Study Committee on Campaign Financing, Oct. 3, 1974
Minutes of the Study Committee on Campaign Financing, May 16, 1974
Doris L. Dorbecker to L. Keith Bulen, March 26, 1970
Doris Dorbecker to Carole and L. Keith Bulen, November 6, 1976
Together..We're Making a Difference
Dorbecker, Leeuw, & Schmid, Bi-Weekly Column
Minutes of the Study Committee on Campaign Financing, November 12, 1974
Doris Dorbecker to L. Keith Bulen, March 3, 1974
Marion County Republican Reporter, Vol. 5 - No. 17, Oct. 1972
Orphus Smith to Mayor Lugar, June 15, 1975
Richard B. Wetzel to Doris L. Dorbecker, April 3, 1970
Doris L. Dorbecker to Mayor Lugar, March 31, 1970
W. W. Harris to Members of Indianapolis Civic Progress Association, February 17, 1969
Indianapolis Sesquicentennial Commission
GOPower Marion County Republican Central Committee
Hudnut Republican To Congress-11th District
Minutes of the Study Committee on Campaign Financing, Oct. 31, 1974
Minutes of the Study Committee on Campaign Financing, Sep. 5, 1974