Burger, Warren E.
22 items found
National Prayer Breakfast, Tuesday, February 2, 1971
National Prayer Breakfast Program
The States and Law Enforcement
Crime Is Caused by Criminals
Report of the Committee for the Improvement of Police, Prosecutorial, and Judicial Relations
From Allen E. Pritchard, Jr., January 3, 1975
Ivan H. Brinegar to Richard G. Lugar, January 1, 1975
Benchmarks, June 1972
Reflections on Corrections: An Essay
Mary Kervan to Mayor Lugar, September 13, 1971
Richard G. Lugar to Warren E. Burger, September 9, 1976
The Gallup Opinion Index February 1974
Congressional Record, Vol. 119, No. 102, June 28, 1973
Remarks Before City Council
Richard G. Lugar to Mr. Ivan Brinegar, January 7, 1974
LEAA Newsletter, January-February 1972
Program Plan for Fiscal Year 1973, National Institute of Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice
The Advocate, December 1973
The Honorable Warren E. Burger and Others
Mayor Hudnut to Attorney General Meese, February 27, 1986