Urban Forestry
22 items found
"Trees For Tomorrow" Flyer
Proclamation, Arbor Day, Apr. 24, 1993
Urban Forestry Program
John E. Parry to Mayor Hudnut, November 21, 1989
Donna Bell to M.D. Higbee, January 26, 1990
Mayor Hudnut to William K. Reilly, January 29, 1990
Mayor Hudnut to William K. Reilly, March 29, 1990
Mayor Hudnut to Garry J. Peterson, April 23, 1984
Mayor Hudnut Announces President Bush to Help Plant "Trees for Tomorrow"
Mayor Hudnut to William Reilly, March 29, 1990
Tree Preservation
Issue Profile: Pepper Committee Review - Department of Parks & Recreation, No. 3
"Trees are a Renewable Resource!"
Plant a Tree for Tulsa's Future
Indiana Greenstreets Vol. 1 No. 1 Fall 1989
Trees Are a Natural Investment
Pepper - Parks & Recreation Sub-Committee: Progress Report
William Reilly to Mayor Hudnut, April 9, 1990