Tax Increases
15 items found
Hudnut Calls for COIT Increase, Additional Property Tax Credit
Impact of the Proposed COIT .001 Rate Increase
Increased Cost to Taxpayers Above the 1977 Budget Based on 1978 F.O.P. Proposal
John P. Ryan to Mayor Hudnut, January 27, 1987
Jack Hartnett and Tom Stoughton to Beurt SerVaas, February 10, 1987
Schedule A
Assessed Value, 1985 Pay 1986
Mayor Hudnut to Beurt SerVaas, January 10, 1991
No Property Tax Rate-For 4th Year Notes
Budget Speech Notes: 1. Fourth Year without Property Tax Notes
From Mayor Hudnut, August 6, 1991
Hudnut Delivers 1992 Budget Plan Without Tax Hike
1992 City of Indianapolis Budget Presentation to the City-County Council by Mayor Hudnut, August 5, 1991
Budget Notes: "Biggest Increase - Housing Authority..."
F. Arthur Strong to Joseph A. Slash, June 19, 1985