Time Magazine
20 items found
Mayor Goldsmith to William A. Young, February 12, 1998
Indianapolis Dealer Honored by Time Magazine
While You Were Out: Perry Prentice
William T. Kirk to Mayor Lugar, August 9, 1973
Mayor Lugar to William T. Kirk, August 14, 1973
Maynard Jackson to Mayor Lugar, April 29, 1975
Richard G. Lugar to John L. Franson, October 15, 1970
John L. Franson to Richard G. Lugar, October 12, 1970
P. I. Prentice to Mayor Lugar, July 24, 1969
Eugenia Dooley to Dorothy R. Jacobson, February 1, 1985
Joan D. Walsh to Mayor Hudnut and Beurt SerVaas, January 29, 1985
Dorothy R. Jacobson to The Editors, Time Magazine, January 20, 1985
Mayor Hudnut to Catharine MacKinnon, May 31, 1989
Mayor Hudnut to Christopher Ogden, June 10, 1982
From Mayor Hudnut, October 30, 1989
Shary Hoffman-Meadows to Beverly Guidara, January 18, 1988
Mayor Hudnut and Beurt SerVaas to the Editors of Time, January 8, 1985
Mayor Hudnut and Beurt SerVaas to The Editors of TIME, January 8, 1985
Dan Burton to Mayor Hudnut, March 7, 1985
Mayor Hudnut and Beurt SerVaas to Time Magazine Editors, January 1985