World War II
258 items found
Quayle Presents Air Medal To Huntington Resident For His "Meritorious Achievement" During World War II, December 8, 1985
Charles W. Whitaker to L. Keith Bulen, April 22, 1991
Camp Shelby RSVP
American War Casualties
White House Press Release, April 23, 1981
H. Dale Brown to L. Keith Bulen, June 26, 1962
Press Release, July 1, 1970
A Log of the Vincennes
Proclamation "USS Deuel Day," October 9, 1999
Jack Finkbiner to Sir, September 30, 1999
From Benjamin Meed
Background United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Sample Civic Proclamation For The Days of Remembrance
Proclamation "Guadalcanal Campaign Day," September 11, 1999
William Marshal Chaney Sr. to Mayor Goldsmith, August 6, 1999
Guadalcanal Campaign Veterans Reunion
Proclamation "Sixth Marine Division Day"
Rough Proclamation Re: 6th Marine Division Assn
Proclamation "Days of Remembrance of the Victims of the Holocaust"
Proclamation, Reunion Days, Oct. 16-18, 1997