19 items found
Karen Little to Kristie Hill, August 17, 1987
Ordinance or Resolution; Approval or Veto; Executive's Failure to Perform Duty; Passage Over Veto
Mayor Fraser to Alice Rainville, January 5, 1984
John Ryan to Mayor Hudnut, April 6, 1984
Mayor Fraser to Alice Rainville, January 5, 1984
David R. Frick to Mayor Hudnut, May 24, 1976
James Danforth Quayle to Mayor Hudnut, April 27, 1987
Richard G. Lugar to Mayor Hudnut, April 6, 1987
Frank J. Donatelli to Mayor Hudnut, March 27, 1987
Ronald Reagan to The House of Representatives, March 27, 1987
Highway/Transmit Reauthorization
Mayor Hudnut to Richard G. Lugar Telegram Confirmation
Mayor Hudnut to James Danforth Quayle Telegram Confirmation
Mayor Hudnut to Richard G. Lugar, April 1, 1987_Washington Office
Mayor Hudnut to James Danforth Quayle, April 1, 1987
Mayor Hudnut to Richard G. Lugar, April 1, 1987
Mayor Hudnut to James Danforth Quayle, April 1, 1987_Washington Office
Hudnut Supports Motion to Overide Veto of Railroad Retirement Act
Congressional Record Vol. 119 No. 132