Veterans Memorial Plaza
30 items found
Mayor Hudnut at Hispanic American Vets Event, September 1983, Img. 1
Mayor Hudnut at Hispanic American Vets Event, September 1983, Img. 2
Mayor Hudnut at Hispanic American Vets Event, September 1983, Img. 3
National Sports Festival Opening Ceremonies, July 24, 1982, Img. 13
National Sports Festival Opening Ceremonies, July 24, 1982, Img. 14
National Sports Festival Opening Ceremonies, July 24, 1982, Img. 15
National Sports Festival Opening Ceremonies, July 24, 1982, Img. 16
National Sports Festival Opening Ceremonies, July 24, 1982, Img. 17
National Sports Festival Opening Ceremonies, July 24, 1982, Img. 18
National Sports Festival Opening Ceremonies, July 24, 1982, Img. 19
National Sports Festival Opening Ceremonies, July 24, 1982, Img. 20
National Sports Festival Opening Ceremonies, July 24, 1982, Img. 21
National Sports Festival Opening Ceremonies, July 24, 1982, Img. 7
National Sports Festival Opening Ceremonies, July 24, 1982, Img. 8
Horse Patrol Graduation, September 21, 1984, Img. 7, with Mayor Hudnut, Joseph A. Slash, Joseph McAtee, Paul A. Annee
Scottish Rite Cathedral from Veterans Memorial Plaza, 1983
Horse Patrol Graduation, September 21, 1984, Img. 1, with Mayor Hudnut, Joseph A. Slash
Horse Patrol Graduation, September 21, 1984, Img. 2, with Mayor Hudnut
Horse Patrol Graduation, September 21, 1984, Img. 3, with Mayor Hudnut
Horse Patrol Graduation, September 21, 1984, Img. 4, with Mayor Hudnut, Joseph A. Slash, Joseph McAtee, Paul A. Annee