Sister City
344 items found
Jason Hou to Susan W. Brooks, December 22, 1998
Frank Faubert to Mayor Goldsmith, October 29, 1997
Bob Seymour to Misty Hurst, June 2, 1994
Chao-Hung Lee to Robert W. Seymour, May 31, 1994
Proclamation "National Day of the Republic of China"
Proclamation Samples
Roy Y. Y. Wu to Mayor Goldsmith, August 18, 1994
On the Occasion of the Eighty-Third..
Mitzi Hurst to Joe Loftus, March 28, 1994
R.J. Moore -- Glenda
Mayor Goldsmith to Gerry Lamkin, November 22, 1994
Stephen Goldsmith to Dollyne Pettingill, May 23, 1993
Monza Visitor's Tentative Itinerary
Performance of the Youth Goodwill Mission, Republic of China on Taiwan
Suggested List: The Indianapolis - Cologne Sister City Relationship
MID-Sister Program Completed Business FY 93
International Development and Expansion Programs City of Indianapolis Report of Activities, July 1993, With Notes
International Business Development Project Points for Discussion
International Development and Expansion Programs City of Indianapolis Report of Activities, July 1993
Invoice from Caterina A. L. Cregor to Mayor Goldsmith, September 30, 1993