71 items found
Woody Burton to Senators Borst, Garton, and Miller and Representatives Jones, Schmid, and Bulen, October 2, 1990
Low Income Housing Tax Credits for Affordable Rental Housing
Indiana Convention Center and Hoosier Dome Facility Guide
Rental Rates, Convention Center & Hoosier Dome
Rate Schedule I, Exhibits, January 1, 1988
Rate Schedule II; Convention Meetings (No Exhibits), January 1, 1988
Rate Schedule III; Non-Convention Meetings (No Exhibits), January 1, 1990
Rate Schedule IV, Commercial Public Trade Shows, January 1, 1988
Rate Schedule V, Commercial Entertainment Events, January 1, 1988
Rate Schedule VI: Stadium Sporting Events, January 1, 1988
License Agreement, Indiana Convention Center and Hoosier Dome, January 1988
Certificate of Insurance, Indiana Convention Center and Hoosier Dome
Concession/ Catering Contract (Service America), July 6, 1989
Advertising, Indiana Convention Center and Hoosier Dome
Hoosier Dome Luxury Suites
Suites Annual License Fees, April 1, 1991- March 31, 1992, Invoiced February 1, 1991
Rent Comparison for the Boardwalk Apartments
Section 236 Rent Formula
J. Frank Wilkinson to James Snellenberger, June 12, 1970
Michael A. Carroll to Robert R. Hawkins, June 1, 1973