
85 items found

City of Indianapolis Hereby Recognizes the Outstanding Contribution of Evan Monroig

City of Indianapolis Hereby Recognizes the Outstanding Contribution of Vasimone Auvray

City of Indianapolis Hereby Recognizes the Outstanding Contribution of Smail Bouabdellah

City of Indianapolis Hereby Recognizes the Outstanding Contribution of Caroline Charlebois

City of Indianapolis Hereby Recognizes the Outstanding Contribution of Bastien Fitoussi

City of Indianapolis Hereby Recognizes the Outstanding Contribution of Elina Gilles

City of Indianapolis Hereby Recognizes the Outstanding Contribution of Christelle Guinault

City of Indianapolis Hereby Recognizes the Outstanding Contribution of Belinda Haddeje

City of Indianapolis Hereby Recognizes the Outstanding Contribution of Vanessa Langlois

City of Indianapolis Hereby Recognizes the Outstanding Contribution of Emeline Lardiere

City of Indianapolis Hereby Recognizes the Outstanding Contribution of Guillaume Rousselet

City of Indianapolis Hereby Recognizes the Outstanding Contribution of Helene Terriot

City of Indianapolis Hereby Recognizes the Outstanding Contribution of Katrin Becker

City of Indianapolis Hereby Recognizes the Outstanding Contribution of Kristina Bohm

City of Indianapolis Hereby Recognizes the Outstanding Contribution of David Franke

City of Indianapolis Hereby Recognizes the Outstanding Contribution of Christoph Hennig

City of Indianapolis Hereby Recognizes the Outstanding Contribution of Katja Hennings

City of Indianapolis Hereby Recognizes the Outstanding Contribution of Anja Holters

City of Indianapolis Hereby Recognizes the Outstanding Contribution of Bettina Martin

City of Indianapolis Hereby Recognizes the Outstanding Contribution of Ansgar Neisius