12 items found
Stephen Goldsmith, September 7, 1995
Toms B. Caldern to Stephen Goldsmith, November 7, 1995
Indianapolis Recognizes CPL Juanito R. Alcala as Honorary Citizen, January 11, 1994
Indianapolis Recognizes Captain Roy T. Devesa as Honorary Citizen, January 11, 1994
Indianapolis Recognizes Msg. Felizic Alcarde as Honorary Citizen, May 10, 1994
Indianapolis Recognizes Tsg. Feliz C. Alcarde as Honorary Citizen, March 14, 1994
Plaque to Mayor Hudnut from National Auxiliary United Spanish War Veterans, September 10, 1979
Emmanuel N. Pelaez
Ismael M. To_acao to Mayor Hudnut, August 19, 1991
Primo A. Andres to Mayor Stephen Goldsmith, August 28, 1995
From Stephen Goldsmith, November 28, 1995
Bradley M. Tracy to Ismael M. Tonacao, September 6, 1991