Naval Avionics Facility
210 items found
Open House and Dedication for the new location of the Electronics Manufacturing Productivity Facility Invitation
Base Realignment & Closure Commission, June 22, 1995
Julie to Mitzi Hurst, April 15, 1997
Proclamation "Ronald H. Huss Day"
Michael Sargent to Mitzi Hurst, January 24, 1997
Proclamation for Ronald H. Huss Day
Goldsmith Declares Victory in NAWC Privatization, May 14, 1996
Air Force Halts Stealth Bomber Flights
Goldsmith Announces Hughes Electronics Corporation to Take-Over NAWC Operations, May 14, 1996
Fact Sheet Privatization of the Naval Air Warfare Center In Indianapolis
Highlights of Privatization of NAWC
Fact Sheet Privatization of the Naval Air Warfare Center In Indianapolis, Item 2
Mayor Announces Appointment of NAWC Re-Use Project Manager, October 23, 1995
Naval Air Warefare Center Re-Use Planning Authority
Recommendations - Dept of the Navy Excerpt, February 28, 1995
Economic Development and Job Retention Covenants and Representations of Hughes Technical Services Company Regarding the Operations of the NAWC Aircraft Division - Indianapolis
Economic Development and Job Retention Covenants and Representations of Hughes Technical Services Company Regarding the Operations of the NAWC Aircraft Division - Indianapolis
Mary Francis to Mayor Goldsmith, May 3, 1996
Media Event Notes
President Clinton to the Congress of United States, July 13, 1995