Bratzel Jr., Martin P.
23 items found
William B. Nye to J. Blair Seaborn and Robert C. McEwen, May 28, 1984
A. L. Hamilton to Commissioners, June 7, 1984
Minutes of Meeting Windsor, Ontario
Valdas V. Adamkus and Elizabeth Dowdeswell to Robert C. McEwen and Pierre-Andre Bissonnette, October 3, 1988
Tentative Membership Lake Ontario Task Force
Tentative Membership Niagara & St. Lawrence Rivers Task Force
M.P. Bratzel to D.A. LaRoche, November 17, 1988
D.G. Chance to Ms. E. Dowdeswell, June 14, 1988
J.F. McDonald to Members, Nonpoint Source Subcommittee, June 16, 1987
Agenda: International Joint Commission, Executive Session, Washington, D.C., December 14-15, 1988
State's Representatives on IJC Boards/Committees/Task Forces etc.
U.S. Employees
Minutes of 3rd Corporate Management Committee
J.H. Hartig to Members, Water Quality Board, September 7, 1988
Toxic Substances Committee
M.P. Bratzel to Members of the Niagara & St. Lawrence Rivers Task Force, August 28, 1985
Minutes of 10th Meeting Niagara & St. Lawrence Rivers Task Force
Valdas V. Adamkus and Elizabeth Dowdeswell to Robert C. McEwen and Pierre-Andre Bissonnette, September 26, 1988
M.P. Bratzel, Jr. to D.A. LaRoche and D.G. Chance, June 19, 1987
Management Committee Meeting