Little League
148 items found
From Mayor Goldsmith, 1999 Central Region Tournament
Sally Spiers to Bob Bitterly
From Mayor Goldsmith, 1999 Central Region Tournament, Draft
Proclamation "Eagledale Little League Day"
Background Material for Eagledale Little League Proclamation
Jan Vermillion to Mitzi Hurst, April 13, 1998
Mayor Goldsmith Greetings Letter, 1998 Central Region Tournament
Bob Bitterly to Mayor Goldsmith, July 28, 1998
From Mayor Goldsmith Regarding the 1997 Central Region Little League Tournament
Bob Bitterly to Mayor Goldsmith, July 18, 1997
Central Region Little League Tournament 1994
Bert Pettygrove to Mayor Stephen Goldsmith, April 10, 1995
Caravan, August 17, 1995
Proclamation, Irvington Little League, Inc. Day, May 1, 1993
James P. McNulty to Ginger Hall, April 22, 1993
History of Irvington Little League
Lists of Organizations, Indianapolis Parks and Recreation, March 1, 1993
Mona Couch to Mitzi Hurst, July 29, 1993
Mayor Hudnut at Garfield Park Little League Football, September 5, 1987, Img. 35
Mayor Hudnut at Garfield Park Little League Football, September 5, 1987, Img. 36