State of the City - 1991
12 items found
The State of the City: An Address by Mayor Hudnut to the Downtown Kiwanis Club, January 11, 1991
From Dennis Nicholas, Death Statistics for 1990
Marion County Coroner, 1990 Statistical Data, January 12, 1991
Seating Chart: Table #1-#4
State of the City Attendance List
Indianapolis 1975-1990: Measures of Progress
Mayor Hudnut to Community Leader, January 14, 1991
Fred C. Tucker Jr. to Mayor Hudnut, January 14, 1991
John H. Boner to Mayor Hudnut, January 14, 1991
Bruce B. Melchert to Mayor Hudnut, January 18, 1991
David H. Arland to Mayor's Cabinet, December 12, 1990
Summary of 1990 Activities, Deputy Mayor Paula Parker-Sawyers