Fitness Center
26 items found
Mayor Hudnut to Richard Kazmaier, April 26, 1988
M.D. Higbee to Mayor Hudnut, February 23, 1988
The National Institute for Fitness and Sport
J. Jack Harnett to Beurt SerVaas, February 2, 1988
Request for Ordinance or Special Proposal
City-County Special Ordinance
Exhibit A: City of Indianapolis Fitness Center Note of 1988
Exhibit B: Purchase Agreement
Whereas, the City has previously..
Beurt SerVaas and Tony A. Mobley to Board of Directors, August 30, 1985
Diane Miller to Mayor Hudnut, September 12, 1985
Mary Ann Clover to Park and Recreation Departments
Gamefield Adventures in Fitness
Don Booher to Francesca Starr, December 28, 1983
The National Fitness Campaign Grant Application
The National Fitness Campagin
Tony A. Mobley to Mayor Hudnut, July 29, 1985
The National Institute for Fitness and Sport
Indiana University Purdue University at Indianapolis
National Institute for Fitness & Sport, Lower Level Floor Plan