July, 1987
19 items found
Mayor Hudnut Dedicates Lower Canal Project
Regarding The National League of Cities Survey
National League of Cities News Release
Leaders in City Economic Development
Regarding Mayor Hudnut's Reappointment, June 14, 1987
Office of the Press Secretary, June 15, 1987
Regarding Governing the States and Localities
Mayor Hudnut Announces "Play It Clean Indianapolis" Campaign
Hoosiers Serve-up Homemade Favorites at NCSL Cooking School
USAIR Confirms Plans for Continued Growth at Indianapolis
City Renames Street to Honor Sister State Capital in Brazil
Photo Caption Regarding Mayor Hudnut Inspecting the Bean Creek Drainage Project
Mayor Hudnut Told EPA Regulations Changed for Air Quality
Mayor Hudnut's Schedule for Week of July 4, 1987
Mayor Hudnut's Schedule for Week of July 11, 1987
Mayor Hudnut's Schedule for Week of July 20, 1987
Mayor Hudnut's Schedule for Week of July 27, 1987
Mayor Hudnut's Schedule for Week of August 3, 1987
Mayor Hudnut Presents Feibleman Awards