14 items found
Minority Business Enterprise/Women Business Enterprise City Utilization Report (Exclusive of County Agencies)
Lynn Druding to Mayor Hudnut and John Ryan, June 15, 1984, Routing Slip
Lynn Druding to Mayor Hudnut and John Ryan, June 15, 1984
Glen Howard List
Amy S. Bradley to Lynn Druding, May 29, 1984
"Resurfacing Wish List for 1984"
Stan Strader List
Richard L. Cunningham to Lynn Druding, June 8, 1984
David E. Carley to Mayor Hudnut, July 23, 1984
Woodruff Place Post
Woodruff Place Post, Map
Michael A. Carroll to K. Aubrey Gorman, July 11, 1984
K. Aubrey Gorman to Michael A. Carroll, July 2, 1984
Developments - Special Issue: Downtown Retail Center