Recycling 1
18 items found
Indianapolis Clean City Committee: Agreement of Understanding
Waste 2000: Indianapolis Environmental Education
Republican Mayors and Local Officials: Executive Committee Roster, 1991
From Jane Abraham, April 1, 1991
Republican Mayors and Local Officials: Executive Committee Meeting of March 10, 1991
National Conference Republican Mayors and Municipal Elected Officials: Executive Committee, 1990
Sue Myrick to the Republican Mayors and Municipal Elected Officials, October 8, 1990
National Conference Republican Mayors and Municipal Elected Officials, Summer 1988
National Conference Republican Mayors and Municipal Elected Officials, Fall 1988
Executive Committee Nominees, 1990
National Conference Republican Mayors and Municipal Elected Officials, Executive Committee, 1989
Stephen D. Millspaugh to Mayor Hudnut, September 21, 1989
Stephen D. Millspaugh to All Uni-Governmental Directors, September 21, 1989
Requisition: Central Purchasing Division, November 1, 1989
Mayor Hudnut to Stephen Millspaugh, September 11,1989
EPA Proposes Air Emissions Standards for Municipal Waste Incinerators
Resource Recovery Focus, Vol. 1, No. 3
William K. Reilly to Mayor Hudnut, July 27, 1989