Sports Events_Monday Night Football
14 items found
News Conference to Announce Monday Night Football Stunt, November 8, 1993
Fax: Indianapolis Stages Major Stunt, Goes "Foot-Bald" on Monday Night Football
Indianapolis Stages Major Stunt, Goes "Foot-Bald" on Monday Night Football
News Conference to Announce Monday Night Football Stunt, November 3, 1993
Monday Night Football Media Relations Plan Draft
Ann Kellison to Dollyne Pettingill, October 25, 1993
To B.O.M.A. Member, November 8, 1993
To Downtown Neighbor, November 8, 1993
Ann Kellison to Monday Night Football Committee, November 3, 1993
To Downtown Neighbor, November 8, 1993
To B.O.M.A. Member, November 8, 1993
"Indy Goes Foot-Bald Day" Proclamation
Mayor Goldsmith to Downtown Neighbor, November 15, 1993
Mayor Goldsmith to B. O. M. A. Member, November 15, 1993