33 items found
Court Approves Dismissal of Suit Challenging Precinct Map, Draft
Julia Carson v. Mayor Goldsmith, Cause No. IP 87-37 C
Court Approves Dismissal of Suit Challenging Precinct Map
Wayne C. Ponader to Dollyne Pettingill, January 21, 1993
David Baird et al. vs. Consolidate City of Indianapolis, et al., Cause No. IP 87-111-C
David Baird et al. vs. Consolidate City of Indianapolis, et al., Cause No. IP 87-111-C, Magistrate Judge's Report
Goldsmith Appoints Sue Beesley Corporation Counsel
Sue A. Beesley Resume
Report of the Commission on Public Defenders of the Indianapolis Bar Association, June 20, 1991
Indianapolis Bar Association Commission on Public Defenders--Executive Summary
Leslie Duvall to Mayor Goldsmith, November 26, 1991
Mayor Goldsmith to Leslie Duvall, December 4, 1991
Mayor Goldsmith to Leslie Duvall, December 4, 1991_With Notes
Joseph M. Perkins, Jr. to Dollyne Pettingill, February 12, 1992
Notes, Loftus
City-County General Ordinance No. 164, 1993 - Proposal No. 6, 1992
Faye I. Mowery to Donald Euratte, December 20, 1993
Faye I. Mowery to Robert G. Elrod, December 20, 1993
Donald L. Euratte to Faye I. Mowery, December 28, 1993
Faye I. Mowery to Donald Euratte, January 28, 1994