11 items found
Photograph of a Woman Holding an Amtrak Brochure
Amtrak Inaugurates First Nationwide Railroad Passenger System
Amtrak Nationwide Schedules of Intercity Passenger Service, May 1, 1971
Amtrak, America's First Nationwide Passenger Rail System Poster
Amtrak, Fact Sheet, National Railroad Passenger Corporation
Amtrak, Ownership of Penn Central Rail Car Repair Shop
Amtrak, Passenger Trains Back on the Rails
Amtrak, To the Editor, Background for Suggested Editorial
Mayor Lugar to Robert Oswald, July 12, 1973
Otis R. Bowen to Robert Oswald, July 13, 1973
William H. Hudnut III to George M. Stafford, July 9, 1973