74 items found
Alabama Contacts, Officer Mike Carlisle (Mike)
Alabama Notes, Darir Cafe
Alabama Speech
April 1, 1970, Leave Indianapolis
Bill Davis to Mayor Lugar,
Breaking the Architectural Barriers and Correcting Code Omissions for the Handicapped
Darir Cafe to Mayor Lugar, January 10, 1974
General L.S. Lightner to Mayor Lugar, September 12, 1972
George G Seibels to Mayor Lugar, December 28, 1971
George G. Seibels to Mayor Lugar, March 5, 1970
Gordon K. Durnil to J. Elbert Peters, June 11, 1973
Gordon K. Durnil to J. Elbert Peters, June 11, 1973
Inaugural Program and Induction Ceremony, November 9, 1971
J. Elbert Peters to L. Keith Bulen, May 21, 1973
J. Howard Proctor to Mayor Lugar, January 14, 1971
James T. Morris to John F. Watkins, March 30, 1970
James T. Morris to Lambert C. Mims, April 9, 1970
James V. Hartinger to Mayor Lugar,
Jamie Moore to Mayor Lugar, April 13, 1970
Jean Sullivan to Mayor Lugar, June 11, 1973